We are open 7 days, and we strive to reserve an emergency slot daily for those in pain. Dental pain can stem from decay, gum disease, abscesses, or fractures. Emergencies often include sudden toothaches, knocked-out teeth, and broken or chipped teeth, frequently due to accidents or sports injuries. Trauma can also cause soft tissue injuries to the gums, lips, or tongue. Our team provides prompt, effective care to alleviate pain and address underlying issues, ensuring the best treatment for you.
Cracked Tooth Syndrome (CTS) is a dental condition where a tooth has an incomplete crack that hasn’t yet caused any part of the tooth to break off. This condition can be challenging to diagnose due to its variable symptoms, which often include sharp pain when biting or chewing, sensitivity to temperature changes, and discomfort when consuming sugary foods. The pain is typically inconsistent and may be difficult to reproduce. If left untreated, CTS can lead to severe pain, pulpitis, and even tooth loss. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent further damage and alleviate discomfort. At Dental Garden, we prioritise accurate diagnosis and effective treatment to ensure our patients’ oral health and comfort.
A dental infection, often referred to as an abscess, occurs when bacteria invade the innermost part of the tooth or gum, leading to a build-up of pus. This can result in discomfort, swelling, and sensitivity. If left untreated, the infection can spread to other areas, causing more serious health issues. At Dental Garden, we believe in proactive care and early intervention to prevent such complications. Our team is dedicated to providing prompt and effective treatment to ensure your smile remains healthy and vibrant. Regular check-ups and good oral hygiene are key to avoiding dental infections and maintaining overall well-being.
Wisdom teeth may need removal for several reasons. Impaction is a common issue, where the teeth don’t have enough room to emerge properly, leading to pain, swelling, and potential damage to adjacent teeth. Partial eruption can also cause problems, as it creates a flap of gum tissue that can trap food and bacteria, leading to infection and gum disease. Additionally, wisdom teeth can grow at awkward angles, pressing against other teeth and causing alignment issues. Removing these problematic teeth can prevent further complications and help maintain a healthy, pain-free smile. At Dental Garden, we ensure a comfortable and smooth removal process, prioritising your well-being every step of the way.
Jaw pain and bruxism, or teeth grinding, can lead to a range of issues if left untreated. Bruxism often occurs during sleep and can result in jaw discomfort, headaches, worn-down teeth, cracked teeth, and even temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. At Dental Garden, we take a multidisciplinary approach to bruxism, addressing both the symptoms and underlying causes. Our treatments include custom-fitted occlusal splints or nightguards to protect your teeth and alleviate jaw tension. We also offer Botox injections for the muscles of mastication to reduce muscle activity and pain. Additionally, we provide referrals for physiotherapy to help with muscle relaxation, ENT specialists for related issues, and sleep studies to investigate potential links to sleep-disordered breathing. By treating both the cause and the problem, we aim to help you achieve a healthier, pain-free smile and a more restful night’s sleep.
This occurs when a part of the tooth enamel or dentine is cracked or fractured. This can expose the nerve of the tooth and cause pain, sensitivity, or infection. Broken or chipped teeth can be repaired by dental fillings, crowns, or veneers.
This occurs when a tooth is pushed out of its normal position or partially knocked out of its socket. This can damage the blood vessels and nerves that supply the tooth and cause inflammation, bleeding, or necrosis. Dislodged or displaced teeth can be repositioned and stabilized by a dentist or an endodontist.
This occurs when a tooth is completely knocked out of its socket and separated from its blood supply. This can cause severe pain, bleeding, and infection. If your tooth is knocked out or avulsed, gently hold it by the crown, DO NOT clean it in water, this will damage the ligament, INSTEAD, rinse it in saliva or cows milk WITHOUT scrubbing the root surface, and put the root of the tooth back into your gum (re-implant) as soon as possible, try to line up the tooth how it was before it fell out. Do not re-implant avulsed baby teeth as it may damage the underlying adult tooth. Visit your dentist ASAP (less than an hour), time is critical in this situation. If you can't re-implant the tooth yourself, store it in milk or saliva (no water, DO NOT SCRUB the tooth), and take it with you to the nearest dentist. Make sure to tell them exactly what happened and if they are unable to fit you in, ask the receptionist to speak to the dentist.
This occurs when the lips, tongue, cheeks, or gums are cut, bruised, or torn by the teeth or foreign objects. This can cause pain, swelling, bleeding, or infection. Soft tissue injuries can be treated by rinsing the mouth with salt water, applying pressure to stop the bleeding, and using antiseptic mouthwash or gel. Your dentist or doctor may need to place sutures (stitches) to repair the damaged soft tissues.